Saturday, April 17, 2010

Catch That Kid

Is it weird that after only 15 minutes, I am making room in my "favorite movie" collection for Catch That Kid. No spoilers below, just an intro, the movie introduces you to Maddie, a tween obsessed with rock climbing (cuz her daddy did it). It opens with lil Maddie climbing a water tower...and then proceeding to FALL TO HER DEATH!!!! Just kidding....she does fall, but is luckily caught by an unfaulty bolt on the tower. We're introduced to Madelene Rose's friends (the artiste and the man's man...both of whom are in 12 yr old love with her), the annoying goon/bully, as well as her family, 1/3 of which (aka her father) ends up paralyzed and requiring a Denmarkian experimental procedure. Being broke, Maddie decides to rob the bank her mom works for.

Nuff said? I know right. Of course this was made in the 90's so the entire arsenal of corny music, insults and just plain crazy events that would never happen in real life are present. I suggest, for maximum enjoyment, begin watching with zero expectations, then you're golden.

What makes the experience even more fun is that little Maddie is played by none other than Bella...Yes, Bella Swan makes an appearance, 'fraid Edward is prolly wandering around Canada though. Honestly, the mini-Kristin Stewart is the reason I stayed on the channel. And she acts the same, it's so cute. People hate on ol' girl, and I used to think she was annoying, but I'm passed that phase, she's an ok kid in my book. 

Some interesting things to consider while watching the movie...I know that lil Maddie is trying to help her father, but societal rules explicitly define robbing banks as bad...and immoral...and for a young person to completely disregard obligations to ethical causes with such ease (and use a savvy ability to convince others to follow suit - including emotional manipulation) calls into question her mental well-being....I mean, after saving the Dad, her mother should really consider counseling.

Also, why is the only brotha in the film assigned to "takin' care of the killer Rottweilers" and then, while doing his research gets the dogs sicked on him! Really?!

Finally, since I have to get ready to do semi-responsible things today (My Birthday), I think it's very cool that she is caught in a love triangle in this movie too (practice?)...AND with a pale face and a brown face at that! lol....although....her methods in this movie are slightly different....maybe it's because in Twilight she's past the "boys are icky" phase....?

UPDATE: I looked this up on IMDB  and it was made in 2004 (holy crap! lol...I had just graduated from

Monday, April 12, 2010

Magic Eye

The mere fact that I grew up crossing my eyes to these books leads me towards answering "Is This Weird?" with a big N-O! These are the best books ever to grace the freshly dusted shelves of Barnes & Noble!  C' can you not appreciate a book made entirely of pictures? ZERO words! I love it! AND it could be beneficial to my intellectual status! "How many books have I read? Oooooh countless! And I prefer the ones that you really have to focus on to get the picture the author is trying to portray, ya know the kind with hidden imagery..." Yea, totally sweet! I've provided some for your blurry, cross-eyed viewing pleasure. Cheers!

Oh, to view them blur your vision, almost like you're trying to look at the dust particals right in front of your eyes, but not all the way just slightly blur/cross....I feel like that was grossly unhelpful. Some people can see them better by starting really close to the picture and then slowly moving away from the image. Good Luck!

Sunday, April 11, 2010


Forced to watch home shopping channels today, because nothing worth anything is on TV on Sunday afternoon, I found myself watching the scripted enthusiasm of Mr. T and a random Stepford Wife. What exactly were they selling? The Flavor-Wave, a glass bowl that cooks frozen solid steak, corn cob and potato in 16 minutes. Cue skepticism.

Ok, so there is a bit more to this cooker than just a glass bowl. It's actually a combination of halogen heating (for browning) and infrared waves (to cook food inside out) an "tornado-like" airflow. Check out the YouTube magic below! 

Yes for 3 easy payments of $39.95, this technology can be yours! Is it weird that I really really want one? How cool is this thing? I'm still skeptical, but how else can I be sure of its awesomeness (or complete falsity!) other than purchasing it? Honestly, I think part of the allure is the deception that I will actually cook things like Cornish hens or stuffed crab....But I might...with the Flavor-Wave!

In all reality...I will not buy this $120 microwave...yet. I was advised to put it on my wish list, composed of everything I can't afford at the moment on a student's salary. Then when I have that disposable income and can afford purchases like gold-plated toilets....yes, that's when the Flavor-Wave shall be mine! Cheers. For those with that disposable income (or high credit limits) check out the Flavor-Wave HERE!